1.引入jquery.js和ajaxfileupload.js 2.创建文件上传函数,如:function ajaxFileUpload() { //starting setting some animation when the ajax starts and completes $("#loading") .ajaxStart(function () { $(this).show(); }) .ajaxComplete(function () { $(this).hide(); });/* prepareing ajax file upload url: the url of script file handling the uploaded files fileElementId: the file type of input element id and it will be the index of $_FILES Array() dataType: it support json, xml secureuri:use secure protocol success: call back function when the ajax complete error: callback function when the ajax failed */ $.ajaxFileUpload ( { url:'doajaxfileupload.php', secureuri:false, fileElementId:'fileToUpload', dataType:'json', success:function (data, status) { if (typeof(data.error) != 'undefined') { if (data.error != '') { alert(data.error); } else { alert(data.msg); } } }, error:function (data, status, e) { alert(e); } } ) return false;